Rose water face toner :
I personally use this toner in the morning after face wash you can buy this rose water spray bottle from any store near your smells good daily use of this toner will keep your Skin hydrated and fresh if you add 1tbsp of lemon juice in this rose water spray bottle it will increase its benefits good for acne prone skin.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV):
Apple cider vinegar |
1. distilled water (filter water) 2 tbsp. cider vinegar 1 tbsp.
3.clean spray bottle
Fill the spray bottle with water and add ACV in it. Shake it well and your toner is ready during summer keep this bottle in the refrigerator for cooling effect.
I used both of this as a toner nd no doubt it is very good for skin..esp in summers when we came from outside we should used this on our skin..i use it daily... i add both the way u written..